How to Hire UX Designers? Complete Guide 2022

User Experience (UX) design is one of the most popular fields nowadays. It is crucial for any business launching an app to move from a concept idea to a functional prototype. UX designers specialise in many phases of the product development cycle. They define the design workflow and process based on the user's intent, interest, and business goals. 

Understanding the importance of this role is not enough to find the right UX designer for your projects. We will break down the other factors to gain clarity and help you make the right decision.

Types of UX Designers:

There are three main specialties in UX Design: Interaction Design, Visual Design, and Information Architecture.

  • Interaction Design is the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product, system, or service. This dialogue is both physical and emotional and is manifested in the interplay between form, function, and technology as experienced over time.

  • Visual design focuses on the aesthetics of a site and its related materials by strategically implementing images, colors, fonts, and other elements. A successful visual design does not take away from the content on the page or function.

  • Information architecture (IA) focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content effectively and sustainably. The goal is to help users find information and complete tasks.

Understanding these specialties will give you more clarity on which area you need to focus on and the right profile to hire.

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a UX Designer:

1- It’s not only about beautiful prototypes:

Design is always associated with visuals; however, UX designers have a vital role in research, analysis, and product development. They need to justify their design choices from a user’s perspective. 

2- It’s not only about the technical skills:

UX Designers should have a good skill set to develop products; however, communication skills matter a lot. Designers should know how to communicate their ideas, present their work and coordinate with other departments. 

3- Don’t miss sketch files:

Good UX designers are normally obsessed with details. They like to keep everything organized (structure of the files, element naming, icons, spacing). Sketch files tell a lot about a designer’s attitude and workflow, make sure to check your candidate’s sketch files. 

What to Look for in a Portfolio: 

  • Case studies: Get to know how the designer thinks beyond notes and wireframes. A case study is a story itself, it should be clear and structured focused on creativity and a solution-oriented mindset. 

  • UX Writing: Going back to presenting and communicating, the copy should be straightforward and clear. 

  • Diversity: The portfolio should include the most relevant projects, the different tools, and the sectors they worked in. Do they only work in Fintech or have experience in the health sector too? Do they work on websites only or apps too? 

What to ask in UX interviews:

The primary goal of a UX Interview is to validate the assumption that the person getting interviewed is the right match. Technical abilities are  essential but they’re not the only factor in the decision-making phase. 

However, understanding the mindset, work ethic, personality, and how the interviewee will fit into the team. 

If you want to know the most common questions asked in UX job interviews, and the reason and main takeaways behind each of them, then you’re in the right place. We wrote a full blog about it with additional tips. 

UX Designer Salaries:

With more than 40,000 tech companies in the inner city alone London is considered by many to be the tech capital of Europe. The city is home to companies like Amazon and Google and these two are well known for paying above-average rates for UX salaries.

According to UX Design Institute: For junior UX designers with 1-3 years of experience in London will pay £38,000-£54,000 on average. In the case of mid-career UX professionals that number increases to £43,000-£63,000 for those with 3-5 years in the industry. The research also tells us that with just a few more years in the profession senior UX designers with 5-7 years in the field can expect to make £47,000-£71,000.

Do you Want to Save your Time and Energy Looking for the Right UX Profile?

Hive / Headhunters is a recruitment agency specialising in sourcing CX and UX profiles based on the client’s needs. Hive was built by +20 years experienced CX and UX leaders to help businesses find the missing pieces of their teams and reach their goals.

Here are the roles Hive can help you find:

  • Service Designers

  • UX Researchers

  • Project Managers

  • UX/Product Designers

  • Interaction designers

  • UI Designers

  • Copy, Content strategists, UX Writers

  • Business Designers, Innovation Strategists

  • VR / AR Designers

Book a free call and we’ll have a deep look into your project needs.

Mehdi Fakhkhari

Digital Marketing Manager at Hive / Headhunters - I’m here to help you understand different topics about Customer and User Experience. I also write about job career advice, tips, and business insights.


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